sketches for my sweetheart the insomniac
please could you stop the noise i'm tryin a get some rest?
from all the unbornchikkenvoices in my head?
huh what's that?
i'd forgotten how much i love that song. actually, that band. i so dig that whole angst-wrenched bleeding heart lyrical poetic mess. go radiohead. a couple of years ago i listened to ok computer on repeat basically every afternoon when i came home from a school day i'd hated.
the quintessential drama student, i am frequently accused of practicing such evils as melodrama and hystrionics, maybe even both at th same time; the more tired i get, the more those labels justify themselves. hell, what else is there to do but overthink everything that ever happened to you ever when your eyelids beg to fall and your muscles yearn relaxation, but your head refuses to shut down? constant churning, wheels turning. instant replay. exaggeration, modification, perversion. my brain doesn't stop.
what i've done today, what i'm doing tomorrow, what i'm planning, what i'm dreaming, what i'm needing, what i've failed at.
who i've hurt, who i've helped, who i've engaged in meaningless banter, why it's meaningless, who i've confided in, why i chose them.
boys. girls. parents. sisters.
what i want.
what i want to change.
what i want to change about myself.
what i want to change.
what i want to change about myself.
why i think so damn much.
why god has put me right where i am and directed my feet into the future.
why i can't dance (particularly if god is directing my feet).
why boys smell.
why life seems more tragicomic when god turns off the sun and i turn off my bedside light.
why i care so much about what i look like, and what i don't look like.
why i'm better at spelling than multiplying.
why feet are so unattractive.
why chocolate tastes so good.
why my motives aren't pure.
why i can't get away with semi-random semi-literate ranting like thom yorke can.
At 12:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well Alix, I can't answer all your questions but here is an answer about why boys smell. Much of a boys natural aroma can be attributed to his underarms. Each underarm has around 25000 sweat glands which can make 1.5ml of sweat every ten minutes (thats 216ml per day!). The one million bacteria per square centimetre in the armpit use this moisture as sustanance to reproduce themselves in the process, release waste products. These waste products end up causing unwanted body odour.
Of course whether someone smells good depends on who you're talking to and who you're talking about but I'm quite proud to say that so far this year two people have said that I smell good :)
Also just quickly about why chocolate tastes good, I think its got something to do with the mixture of cocoa (from cacao tree seeds which are infact bitter) and sugar. Then there is the type and amount of milk and butter which gives you dark, normal and white chocolate. Hmmm I'm getting hungry so I'll talk to you later.
At 9:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
hey alix, are u trying to be an emo kid??? you should write a song with that... and u can dance. everyone can dance. i know u can dance ive seen you. i like ur dancing. stop saying u cant dance, dammit! does it matter WHY chocolate tastes good? just keep eating it... its good for the heart...
*be happy*
xoxoxo lara
At 4:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Yes, who knows why chocolate tastes so good? But never feel guilty about eating it because it damn well is good for you:
1. When included sensibly in a balanced diet, chocolate can play a positive nutritional role. It is a useful source of copper (a 50g bar of plain chocolate provides about a third of an adult's daily requirement) and of antioxidants (a 40g bar contains the same amount of polyphenols - compounds with antioxidant properties - as a glass of red wine). Milk chocolate contributes considerable calcium to the diet: a 50g bar provides 22% of the estimated average requirement. Key vitamins such as riboflavin, thiamin, and, to a lesser extent, niacin can also be found in chocolate. Finally, chocolate has high energy value - so much so, that it has been used as part of the rations on many expeditions.
2. The aroma of chocolate has a distracting yet calming effect on people. Furthermore, it is suggested tgat increased brain activity occurs. It also increases alpha (at rest but indeed awake) and beta (arises chiefly when one is involved in such things as mental arithmetic) activity.
3. Chocolate is exceptional high-energy food relative to its small volume. It is considered a food that promotes effort whether intellectual or physical. Chocolate’s chemical composition includes carbohydrates (starch, diverse sugars), fats (cocoa butter), and vegetable proteins. Minerals can also be found in chocolate: potassium and magnesium in large amounts, calcium and sodium in small amounts, and iron in trace amounts. Chocolate also contains vitamins A1, B1, B2, D, and E.
4. The pleasure derived from chocolate is believed to stimulate the secretion of endorphins, natural opiates. At least five pharmaco-dynamic (producing reactions in humans) substances are found in small amounts: Theobromine, Caffeine, Phenylethylamine, Anandamide and Serotonin.
PLUS it does NOT cause tooth decay or acne! Ok, end essay.
=] Nica
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