i see the light but i can't feel the heat
yes, i complain about boys a fair bit...they sometimes disappoint me. but god did make us to be in relationship with one another...and what's so wrong with wanting a boyfriend? i wish i could say that i enjoy being single, but i simply don't. and i'm not going to pretend that i do for the sake of sounding like an 'independent woman.'
bel understands what i mean.
i have been feeling quite emotionally fragile and just generally not very happy these last few days. i hate writing on this thing when i'm feeling sad, because i sound so ridiculously pretentious--in fact, mostly i do write my thoughts down but i just never post them. they remain as drafts. but jono inspired this one, and then he said i had to name-drop his name very subtly. this is as subtle as i get my friend. ;)
i have this nightmarish essay due on tuesday. i have spent twelve straight hours on it today, and only covered one of three required texts. and, what i have written on that one text is more than a thousand words over the word count allowed for all three. which really, really sucks. and my back hurts something severe. and i'm supposed to be at bel's watching dvds!
i feel like i should stop complaining. on one level, i certainly should be putting others first and not wallowing in self-pity. yet i got contrary advice from wilmo, the poster-child for gentlemanliness, the other night, which was lovely. he was the first of the male species to ever tell me they liked my insides, even though bruised and in pain, better than my outsides. it made me cry like a damn fool. but how wonderful! in his words, why would he want to know only the shell of an m&m when there was chocolately goodness inside? i guess i need to get stuff out occasionally.
bel understands what i mean.
i have been feeling quite emotionally fragile and just generally not very happy these last few days. i hate writing on this thing when i'm feeling sad, because i sound so ridiculously pretentious--in fact, mostly i do write my thoughts down but i just never post them. they remain as drafts. but jono inspired this one, and then he said i had to name-drop his name very subtly. this is as subtle as i get my friend. ;)
i have this nightmarish essay due on tuesday. i have spent twelve straight hours on it today, and only covered one of three required texts. and, what i have written on that one text is more than a thousand words over the word count allowed for all three. which really, really sucks. and my back hurts something severe. and i'm supposed to be at bel's watching dvds!
i feel like i should stop complaining. on one level, i certainly should be putting others first and not wallowing in self-pity. yet i got contrary advice from wilmo, the poster-child for gentlemanliness, the other night, which was lovely. he was the first of the male species to ever tell me they liked my insides, even though bruised and in pain, better than my outsides. it made me cry like a damn fool. but how wonderful! in his words, why would he want to know only the shell of an m&m when there was chocolately goodness inside? i guess i need to get stuff out occasionally.
At 8:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
First of all i'd like to start by thanking the lovely Ms Alix for including my name oh, ever so subtly in her post :-).
So i've noticed that there's a running theme in your posts gal. Your un-happiness and dissapointment in general with the male race... It saddens me to see a lovely female such as your self being constantly dissapointed and let down. In today's society females are trying to promote their own inter-dependance and ability to not need men and their qualities.
What is happening in todays world? Men are being tld by society that women are equal if not better, yet young females today expect them to preform as though it is the late 18th century...
So a guy likes a gal. Gal shows a small bit of interest... BUT because he's done this before and been told by a girl "just because i'm your friend and i'm a female doesn't meen i'm mdaly in love with you and bla bla bla" So this guy walks away, feeling all hurt and not willing to try and go out on a limb n e more for fear of a repeat event.
Now i've realised i'm rambling. So i shall discontinue this post.. and as always...... i have been nice, no meen words said......
Your' friend in Christ.
Lill' John ;-)
At 8:07 PM,
alix said…
i've never heard of the word 'meen' before...i have heard of 'mean' though. ;)
plus girls don't expect 18th century manners...but we love boys like wilmo, who do the whole 'i'm gentlemanly and i'm going to be super-nice because of it' thing.
maybe i should set up gentlemanly classes for all the boys i know with wilmo? lol
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
My apologies for the spelling Ms Alix, has never been my strong point.
I don't think classes would do it for me...
At 4:13 PM,
alix said…
you don't need the classes kiddo. hell, you even break the passenger car door to make certain you can be gentlemanly!!
At 4:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
G'day Alix... I didnt get to write this the other night, but hey I'll give it a go now :)
I'm still undeserving of your niceness to me. I'm just trying to imitate Jesus, but i don't do to well at it... but with his help i'll get there one day!
I didn't mean to hurt you the other night, cause that definately wasn't the thing I'd ever want to do. But at least I got to see YOU :) and you are an awesome sister Miss!
The problem guys have today is they're too quick to see girls as objects. But as christians, we need to see them as sisters. You don't love your sister because she's "hot". You love her because you know her strengths and weaknesses. You love her because you have invested the time to know her!
Pain isn't just a bad thing Alix... it's also what makes you more beautiful on the inside. You feel pain, so you are quite clearly human. But you don't let that pain destroy you, so you are obviously strong. And you give it to God, which shows you as godly and smart.
We suck at dealing with problems. But God cares for us so much! He hates to see us hurting, and he loves it when we come to him. The peace he gives us in return is so amazing! We just need to trust him :)
I just pray you'll see how great a sister you are Alix, and that you are loved so much. Despite the hurt that us guys can give you, God is so much more able to comfort you if only you will ask.
Well, I look forward to getting to know you more Miss.
Your brother in Christ,
At 6:01 PM,
Anonymous said…
lix, check out this site. http://hippocampusextensions.com/issues/06/
i rekon karens a pretty cool Godly women um, a Godly women i certainally look up to.yeah just check it out if you get the chance.
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