spread my wings (lord won't you now)
there's a university in america that offers a subject in blogging.
imagine if aussie universities got imaginative too. i would suggest a subject, or maybe even a degree, in procrastinating. it would set you up spectacularly for working for the government, especially for the tax office! if they introduced that, i think my talents would be better invested by enrolling in it. i am ridiculously good at procrastinating. this entry, in fact, this blog, is irrefutable evidence of that fact.
i manage to sit at my desk for four days in a row, and at the end of it find my brain full of
a.) a detailed understanding of the difference between stabilo boss and faber-castell pink highlighters
b.) memorised lyrics by lior, missy higgins and the john butler trio
c.) a vision of the holidays
d.) trivial facts vaguely related to the subject matter i'm supposed to be studying
e.) calculations of how much my phone bill increases during months when i have exams
and my desk full of
a.) lists of 'to do' lists
b.) post-it notes stuck haphazardly reminding me of phone numbers and email addresses of uni friends i desperately need to contact to um, compare notes (shifty eyes)
c.) coffee cups with the remnants of the hot chocolate i consume once an hour
d.) pages of doodles
e.) cds i've rummaged through in order to find the best 'study music'
the exams for procrastination 101 would be brilliant. it wouldn't matter what the question was--you'd be guaranteed a high distinction if you handed in a page or so of scrawly drawings and random song lyrics. and perhaps a comparison of various pink highlighters.
in the meantime, i just realised that i've done a lot of bible-reading this week. partly because i've been a bit *down*, and yeah, probably because i'm looking for something better to do than memorise the various reasons president johnson chose to invade vietnam with 125 000 combat troops in july 1965. (and yes i had to check my notes that it was actually 125 000, and that it was in july 1965.) and it certainly is better. i will take hebrews 9:14 (how much more, then, will the blood of christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to god, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living lord!) to the grave, and beyond. but call me weird, but i highly doubt that 125 000 and july 1965 will stick with me til then. heck, i doubt they'll stick with me til my exam tomorrow!
sounds gracing my eardrums: missy higgins, you only like me coz i'm good in bed
imagine if aussie universities got imaginative too. i would suggest a subject, or maybe even a degree, in procrastinating. it would set you up spectacularly for working for the government, especially for the tax office! if they introduced that, i think my talents would be better invested by enrolling in it. i am ridiculously good at procrastinating. this entry, in fact, this blog, is irrefutable evidence of that fact.
i manage to sit at my desk for four days in a row, and at the end of it find my brain full of
a.) a detailed understanding of the difference between stabilo boss and faber-castell pink highlighters
b.) memorised lyrics by lior, missy higgins and the john butler trio
c.) a vision of the holidays
d.) trivial facts vaguely related to the subject matter i'm supposed to be studying
e.) calculations of how much my phone bill increases during months when i have exams
and my desk full of
a.) lists of 'to do' lists
b.) post-it notes stuck haphazardly reminding me of phone numbers and email addresses of uni friends i desperately need to contact to um, compare notes (shifty eyes)
c.) coffee cups with the remnants of the hot chocolate i consume once an hour
d.) pages of doodles
e.) cds i've rummaged through in order to find the best 'study music'
the exams for procrastination 101 would be brilliant. it wouldn't matter what the question was--you'd be guaranteed a high distinction if you handed in a page or so of scrawly drawings and random song lyrics. and perhaps a comparison of various pink highlighters.
in the meantime, i just realised that i've done a lot of bible-reading this week. partly because i've been a bit *down*, and yeah, probably because i'm looking for something better to do than memorise the various reasons president johnson chose to invade vietnam with 125 000 combat troops in july 1965. (and yes i had to check my notes that it was actually 125 000, and that it was in july 1965.) and it certainly is better. i will take hebrews 9:14 (how much more, then, will the blood of christ, who through the eternal spirit offered himself unblemished to god, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living lord!) to the grave, and beyond. but call me weird, but i highly doubt that 125 000 and july 1965 will stick with me til then. heck, i doubt they'll stick with me til my exam tomorrow!
sounds gracing my eardrums: missy higgins, you only like me coz i'm good in bed
At 4:04 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hmmm ...
"or maybe even a degree, in procrastinating. it would set you up spectacularly for working for the government, especially for the tax office!"
... seeing as though you wrote this blogg half an hour after I had told you I just accepted a job at the ATO, I am guessing this is a jab at me!?
Well, you've got me to finally write a comment I guess.
Touché :P
Hope the exam went well. And by your standards that means over 98%.
At 12:43 AM,
alix said…
well, i guess out convo semi-inspired it karthik, but actually not EVERYTHING is about you. teehee! i have a mate, hi brad, who works for the government and it was more a reference to an in-joke with him than criticism of your new job. but i'm glad it got you to comment! maybe now you'll become a serial commenter!! woooot.
karthik = cool
love alix
At 12:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
hello, my sweet patootie. (in that weird voice i do oh so well)
alix, you can't compare to my procrastination... If there was a degree in procrastination i would ace it.
(Philippians 4:13) I can do everything through him who gives me strength.
(Romans 8:38-39) For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
(Luke 21:19) By standing firm you will gain life.
Just remember alix, that Jesus loves you and always will!! Pray, and he will answer.
Oh, and btw, you're gonna get a HD in that exam.. :-)
You're in my prayers.
Love ya heaps,
At 12:48 PM,
alix said…
isn't my sister the coolest? the bee's knees? tops? superfabulous?
i'll stop now. but you know it's true! ;)
At 8:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
FINALLY! A degree I can do... Such a contrast to accounting...
I got my tax refund within seven days of lodging my tax return... Go the ATO...
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