if you know how to run, sweet virginia, you should run
so i've cut out some stuff from my average week (because i have average weeks so often) and my head is a little less heavy. i showed bel how my head tilts dramatically to the side because it's so full and she laughed. not with tears though, so i guess it wasn't that funny after all.
yesterday i got all pretty and went to uni and went to one lecture and chilled in da club with people until the sun gave up and walked away. it was cold but because i'm stupid and superficial and take everything on appearances i looked out the window and went wow it's sunny as, it's a beautiful day, forgetting the significant effect of winds that had packed up their belongings and buckled the kids in the back and travelled from antarctica to the sky just over sydney university for a vacation. possibly meeting their family friends the alaska winds en route and joining forces for holiday fun.
so there i was in my hell eighties jumper that has holes cut in it so it leaves my shoulders bare. too bad there wasn't more purple in my outfit because it would have matched the colour of my lips whenever i ventured into the windy vacation. can anyone else see my prediction of impending typhoon coming true imminently? this could break the tradition of my theories never ever in 46 bijillion years actually working out on the true side.
another downside of hell eighties jumper is that paul has easy access to my shoulders with a ball point pen and a girly giggle. soon i was the proud owner of two inky tattoos. apparently i love my mum and paul woz here.
kerensa was there too and so was esther because i am magnetic and they couldn't stay away. it was funny when people asked them what they study and ker had to say she doesn't even go to this campus and esther had to say she doesn't even go to this university.
when kerensa and i get new bodies in heaven, we're going to be extremely well endowed.
*dances like a giraffe*
yesterday i got all pretty and went to uni and went to one lecture and chilled in da club with people until the sun gave up and walked away. it was cold but because i'm stupid and superficial and take everything on appearances i looked out the window and went wow it's sunny as, it's a beautiful day, forgetting the significant effect of winds that had packed up their belongings and buckled the kids in the back and travelled from antarctica to the sky just over sydney university for a vacation. possibly meeting their family friends the alaska winds en route and joining forces for holiday fun.
so there i was in my hell eighties jumper that has holes cut in it so it leaves my shoulders bare. too bad there wasn't more purple in my outfit because it would have matched the colour of my lips whenever i ventured into the windy vacation. can anyone else see my prediction of impending typhoon coming true imminently? this could break the tradition of my theories never ever in 46 bijillion years actually working out on the true side.
another downside of hell eighties jumper is that paul has easy access to my shoulders with a ball point pen and a girly giggle. soon i was the proud owner of two inky tattoos. apparently i love my mum and paul woz here.
kerensa was there too and so was esther because i am magnetic and they couldn't stay away. it was funny when people asked them what they study and ker had to say she doesn't even go to this campus and esther had to say she doesn't even go to this university.
when kerensa and i get new bodies in heaven, we're going to be extremely well endowed.
*dances like a giraffe*
At 5:32 PM,
Cam said…
I dunno, I like your current endowments well enough:P
At 8:16 PM,
Anonymous said…
The personification is blowing my mind...!
When I'm at USyd and people ask me what I study, I have to tell them I don't go to uni at all... :D
At 6:32 PM,
Anonymous said…
the idea of a private joke is that it remains private!!!
you're a classic lix
peace out
At 8:42 PM,
alix said…
but ker, i want to draw attention to your bosom! :O
At 9:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
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