breaking it down

what up mah homie gs just breaking it down, chillin in mah crib, watching the grass grow and feeling thankful for air conditioning and other wonders of god's creation. this space reserved for self-indulgent ramblings and expressions of my pretentious quasi-teenage angst. word.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

with a limp and a snow-shaker huh

today god reminded me that i have enough money reliably each month to sponsor a child, so i've started sponsoring basil from uganda. he's seven. i felt really bad choosing a child, so i got the world vision website to choose basil for me.

some other stuff happened today, but it pales in comparison. into a gross egg-planty kind of colour.
i thought about summer. it was a bad idea. to think about it, not summer itself. god's whole seasons idea works pretty well.
i ate left-over penne with chilli in it. plus, it tasted nice.
i wore my asian jumper that says 'heroic rendezvous' on it and has a couple holding hands and the girl is holding a furry green bag with her other hand. maybe if i get a furry green bag the boy will come with it. like, buy a green bag get the boy free. or even just half-price or something.


  • At 8:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    ...and the marketing director salivated so much that he started dribbling...

  • At 10:29 PM, Blogger alix said…

    who? what?

  • At 1:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    "maybe if i get a furry green bag the boy will come with it. like, buy a green bag get the boy free. or even just half-price or something."

    You made the marketing director a very happy man.


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