breaking it down

what up mah homie gs just breaking it down, chillin in mah crib, watching the grass grow and feeling thankful for air conditioning and other wonders of god's creation. this space reserved for self-indulgent ramblings and expressions of my pretentious quasi-teenage angst. word.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

don't take it personally

once upon an hour there was a sad little teddy bear that couldn't speak. he could think though very fast and very smart. so he thought and thought hoping that if he thought hard enough his head would explode in a torrent of fast smart words and bits of fluff.
unfortunately the sad little teddy bear miscalculated the ratio of smart words to fluff, and the explosion was far less spectacular than he'd dreamed. the ragged giraffe sniggered at the tiny POOF noise the sad little teddy bear's head made when its smart and fast and fluffy contents escaped. no one even noticed the gems of thought hidden among the bits of sad little teddy bear brain--or, if they did, they mistook them for silvery sparkly flecks of glitter.


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