breaking it down

what up mah homie gs just breaking it down, chillin in mah crib, watching the grass grow and feeling thankful for air conditioning and other wonders of god's creation. this space reserved for self-indulgent ramblings and expressions of my pretentious quasi-teenage angst. word.

Monday, August 22, 2005

somewhere over the rainbow

quick, find the cd. it's got to be in this pile. drop some. keep searching. open coldplay cases to check. blow off dust from that forgotten nina simone cd. spread cds out across the desk. quickly. it's coming. where is it? it has to be here!

found it.
open it.
hands shaking. cliches abound.
presh the button. insert the cd. hurry.

track seven. play.


have you ever rushed to find that song? hoping to fend off a sudden wash of sadness?
only to find it bruising your ear drums, not soothing them? completely incompatible. completely ineffective. the mood stays like a beetroot stain on white pants. immovable. determined. glaring back at you, self-assured and confident of it's own staying power, and its ability to ruin everything.

i'm glad music isn't my god.

Saturday, August 20, 2005

don't take it personally

once upon an hour there was a sad little teddy bear that couldn't speak. he could think though very fast and very smart. so he thought and thought hoping that if he thought hard enough his head would explode in a torrent of fast smart words and bits of fluff.
unfortunately the sad little teddy bear miscalculated the ratio of smart words to fluff, and the explosion was far less spectacular than he'd dreamed. the ragged giraffe sniggered at the tiny POOF noise the sad little teddy bear's head made when its smart and fast and fluffy contents escaped. no one even noticed the gems of thought hidden among the bits of sad little teddy bear brain--or, if they did, they mistook them for silvery sparkly flecks of glitter.

so can we just try a resurrection? and prop up this fallen down plan?

it's really hard when you want something heaps and heaps but god doesn't seem forthcoming and seems to be telling you to wait and to learn and to be patient but patience is the least thing you feel yourself capable of. and when you can't help but be massively selfish and concerned only with your own personal happiness. and when you can't control your head and make it blurt out answers to assessment tasks all the while sitting at home because said assessment tasks are overshadowing everything and seem more important than jumping around to songs about pirates and hanging out with cool people and getting fatter on krispy kremes. yet not important enough to make you stop thinking about what you want heaps and heaps and make you stop resenting the fact that god has something different planned for you and all you feel is anger towards those who have what you want and guilt about feeling anger towards those who have what you want and about resenting the god whose grace sets your place at the feast of eternity and whose glory deserves to be your only concern.

it's a sad day when you notice the advertisements for online personals sites that sit at the bottom of the msn messenger window. not that you want to click on them coz even to notice them is pathetic enough and just adds to everything.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Poor little, sad little blue Bluesette
Dont you cry, don't you fret,
You can bet one lucky day you'll waken,
And your blues will be forsaken,
Some lucky day lovely love will come your way.
If there is love in your heart to share,
Dear Bluesette don't despair
Some blue boy is waiting just like you,
To find a someone to be true to,
Two loving arms you can nestle in to stay.
Get set, Bluesette,
True love is coming,
Your lonely heart soon will be humming.
Pretty little Bluesette,
Musn't be a mourner,
Have you heard the news yet,
Love's 'round the corner.
Love wrapped in rainbows and tied with pink ribbons
To make your your next springtime
Your gold wedding ring time.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

chicken out

someone was pretty keen to get me into their car tonight!

really? who? did he have a nice car?

nice car? not really. you know him pretty well actually.

in breaking news, gomez's latest album split the difference is hot. like pancakes. it's shaped like a pancake too, come to think of it. like circular and stuff.
anyway, apart from the fact that apparently it reminds me of delicious food, i reckon it's up there with the best cds i own. i bought it on the weekend and it's making all my other cds jealous because i wont take it out of my cd player. my eardrums heart it.

Sunday, August 14, 2005


our God is a consuming fire.
cutting off the oxygen
to my sin
suffocating me strangling me sunny swirls
engulfing me
like a child trembling and trapped in a burning building
i cower
clutching adam's inheritance
desperately seeking to deny His power
and assert my own.
(i've repeated kindergarten many times)
to let Him extinguish the blackened soot inside my heart.
to close my mouth on solid food.

our God is a consuming fire.
burning my cross.
cauterising my nature.

our God is a consuming fire.
charring the ground before me
parting the seas
cooking up perfection in the pot of the universe
letting it bubble up
the sides
scalding my skin
leaving only scars of discipline.

our God is a consuming fire.
from up on a mountain
to up on a cross
lighting the way home.

therefore, since we are receiving a kingdom that cannot be shaken, let us be thankful, and so worship God acceptably with reverence and awe, for "our God is a consuming fire."
hebrews 12: 28-29

to the israelites the glory of God looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain.
exodus 24: 17

but be assured today that the Lord your God is the one who goes across ahead of you like a devouring fire.
deuteronomy 9: 3

Saturday, August 13, 2005

with a limp and a snow-shaker huh

today god reminded me that i have enough money reliably each month to sponsor a child, so i've started sponsoring basil from uganda. he's seven. i felt really bad choosing a child, so i got the world vision website to choose basil for me.

some other stuff happened today, but it pales in comparison. into a gross egg-planty kind of colour.
i thought about summer. it was a bad idea. to think about it, not summer itself. god's whole seasons idea works pretty well.
i ate left-over penne with chilli in it. plus, it tasted nice.
i wore my asian jumper that says 'heroic rendezvous' on it and has a couple holding hands and the girl is holding a furry green bag with her other hand. maybe if i get a furry green bag the boy will come with it. like, buy a green bag get the boy free. or even just half-price or something.

Friday, August 12, 2005

if you know how to run, sweet virginia, you should run

so i've cut out some stuff from my average week (because i have average weeks so often) and my head is a little less heavy. i showed bel how my head tilts dramatically to the side because it's so full and she laughed. not with tears though, so i guess it wasn't that funny after all.

yesterday i got all pretty and went to uni and went to one lecture and chilled in da club with people until the sun gave up and walked away. it was cold but because i'm stupid and superficial and take everything on appearances i looked out the window and went wow it's sunny as, it's a beautiful day, forgetting the significant effect of winds that had packed up their belongings and buckled the kids in the back and travelled from antarctica to the sky just over sydney university for a vacation. possibly meeting their family friends the alaska winds en route and joining forces for holiday fun.

so there i was in my hell eighties jumper that has holes cut in it so it leaves my shoulders bare. too bad there wasn't more purple in my outfit because it would have matched the colour of my lips whenever i ventured into the windy vacation. can anyone else see my prediction of impending typhoon coming true imminently? this could break the tradition of my theories never ever in 46 bijillion years actually working out on the true side.

another downside of hell eighties jumper is that paul has easy access to my shoulders with a ball point pen and a girly giggle. soon i was the proud owner of two inky tattoos. apparently i love my mum and paul woz here.

kerensa was there too and so was esther because i am magnetic and they couldn't stay away. it was funny when people asked them what they study and ker had to say she doesn't even go to this campus and esther had to say she doesn't even go to this university.

when kerensa and i get new bodies in heaven, we're going to be extremely well endowed.
*dances like a giraffe*

Sunday, August 07, 2005

the music's much too loud

just when my head seems set to fall off my neck it's so heavy and full and when i've never been so confused about everything in my life and when i feel like crying every two minutes, my parents are all we think this week you need to step back and reassess the way you spend your time alix you can't do everything alix you have to spend more time at home alix you're going to regret this later alix it's detrimental to your health alix you're not dedicating enough time to your uni work alix let alone your family alix.

what they mean to say is don't spend so much time doing church stuff.

i was really proud of myself, because even though my head was bubbling with anger and my heart was consumed with pain at their lack of understanding about the importance of spending time with god and his people, i just said mhm nice and calm when they asked if i understood what they were saying.

but a little bit of doubt crept in, the door creaking at the back of my head. because i'm really feeling like i just can't deal at the moment. i'm so confused that i don't even know what i'm confused about. when people ask me how i am i am genuinely lost for words. maybe i am doing too much? uni is seeming so big. last semester i got by without doing any readings, but i just can't afford that this term. the way all my assessments are set out seems so simple printed neatly in black ink on slightly crumpled white paper, but in reality--when juxtaposed with all my other commitments--it seems insurmountable. even though i know that whenever i feel like i can't do something, god carries me, i know almost as completely that i'm going to be hanging on by my fingernails to the cliff of the d average. my fingernails have always been thin and brittle. what if i fall? what satisfaction it was to bring home hds last semester. but what if my parents are proved right? what if i can't cope?

at the very moment i'm teetering on the edge of everything, my parents give me a little nudge.

usually the reassess the way you spend your time lecture leaves me annoyed but unmoved.
but at the moment...
at church i lead youth group on fridays, i help organise young adults social ministry on every second saturday, i lead singing every two weeks on sundays, and every sunday i'm not singing i help out with a youth group bible study before the service. i go to bible study on tuesday nights. i'm reading luke with a couple of the youth group girls during the week.
at uni i go to equip training on mondays, i poster for eu on tuesdays, i go to bible study on wednesdays, i go to eu public meeting on thursdays, and i go to studentlife on thursday nights. and i've just put my name down to get involved with walk-up ministry.
and i'm trying to keep up with and pray for five of my non-christian friends at uni, and keep up connections with heaps of friends who are at various stages in their christian walk.
and, of course, maintain my own relationship with god.

not that it's about time, or that i begrudge doing it at all (it gives me more joy than anything else), but not including hanging out with christian mates or my own bible reading and praying, that equates to almost twenty hours of christian stuff in an average week--more if i have to write a bible study for youth group or something like that. i have twelve contact hours at uni a week. i work about six to eight hours a week. i've basically given away any kind of exercise but i'm hoping to add four hours of swimming training a week to my schedule this semester.

what do you think?

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

who i am hates who i've been

i wish someone would just sit me down and explain it to me.
why i have a fair amount of clarity regarding other people's problems, but my own make my head explode. why it's so easy for me to see when others need to trust god more, but so very difficult for me to see past me driving my own destiny along this bumpy road, without my Ls, in a car that seems to only have one wheel, in the pouring rain, going in the wrong direction, on the wrong side of the road.

sometimes i convince myself that i'm growing, i'm changing, i'm learning, i'm maturing. into something more than i have been. but then i tip over the half-full cup and it empties out all over my carefully constructed facade, smudging the lines, blurring the pretty picture. and i'm still a sixteen year old punk, no idea and no class.
sorry, what? i'm twenty?
no, i'm pretty sure i'm still sixteen. no idea. no class. wide-eyed and air-headed.

"it'll sort itself out. even though it doesn't seem like it will."
how can i have the gall to suggest this to someone else?
sorry, what? i'm a hypocrite?

damn straight.

Monday, August 01, 2005

oops i did it again

oh, by the way: i turned twenty last sunday.

i forgot to mention it. :)

but don't worry...i'm still not a girl, but not yet a woman (britney is so, like, profound).
and there's plenty of teenage angst in me yet.